Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Senin, 19 Maret 2012 0 komentar

this AM i woke up totally on the wrong side of the say i was in a monday morning funk would be an understatement.  i stayed up entirely too late doing important things like watching bravo's shahs of sunset (did i seriously admit that), then i got in bed and started thinking about all the things i had to do this week....i stared at the ceiling for a very long time....then the alarm went off to go running but right before i was about to leave i checked my phone and my runner partner had canceled....i needed to turn my day around.  ask warren, he'll vouch that was mood was rotten.....
so after dropping taylor off, walker and i went for a run.  and i must say there is nothing better then pounding the pavement when things aren't going your way.  before i left, i created a new playlist that included we are young (seriously see if you can listen to this song and not be transformed into a 21 yr old) and otis (this just makes you feel like a bad a$$).  and afterwards, i was transformed into a new person.....
 so i think i owe my family a due over for this AM.....
 here you go honey :)
in other news....i did start my front porch makeover......and i am already so much happier!!  i painted my bench, got ferns, added pine straw, had some bushes chopped back, and bought flowers for my planters and bed (now if i can just plant and water them)......
still need to paint my front door and ceiling and get a new light but things are looking up!!  okay, i'm off to love on this little man...
have a HAPPY monday!!!!

*images courtesy of dust jack attic, breakfast at toast, sunday in bed, rikshaw design
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