Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Kamis, 02 Desember 2010 0 komentar

i have this little 5 month old.  he steals my heart and has me tied around his finger (and he knows it).  he has this one little catch though, he isn't a fan of going to sleep (my little girl was such a good sleeper)....
i do a lot of running up and down the stairs to put the pacifier back in, to rub his belly, to flip him over when he gets stuck, to turn back on the sound machine.  and 9 x's out of 10- i am leaving the room in an army crawl (seriously, on the floor crawling out of the room so he doesn't see me).  and every time, i think to myself- are you seriously crawling on the floor right now??!!  i attached an action figure so you could get a visual :)

*images courtesy of nursery notions, bla bla kids, dwell, everything leb, google image
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