Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Jumat, 30 November 2012 0 komentar
TGIF and a phone dump!!!!  thanksgiving ended up being at my house this year and it was the best time ever....and it gave me an excuse to make the craft paper runners!!  everyone chipped in and fun and sooo easy.

after thanksgiving me and the fam, heading to charleston for a night of fun and to check on the progress of the new construction i'm working on....

 hey dad :)

nothing beats c'town shopping....these had me drooling....i would have loved to have come home w/ the ram head coffee table but she was out of my budget :(
 sunday, tay and i had a mother/ daughter outing and we went looking for what she wanted santa to bring her....she took pictures of all the items (an easy bake oven is her #1).

 this is my breakfast date every AM.....he melts my heart.

this armoire has been staring me down....i love her.  the yellow doesn't work in my house (kelly green or turquoise would though)....i keep trying to make an excuse of why i need her.
after yesterday's post, i'm determined to find my inner fun again :)  it includes lots of laughing and gangham style dance parties.....
hope y'all have a fabulous weekend!!!!  i've got a date w/ 2 girlfriends to see this.....and don't think for a second i'm not super excited!!!

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Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Kamis, 29 November 2012 0 komentar

**warning** this is a mom post:
i just sat down with my cold coffee (i've reheated it several times already this AM) to take a minute and peek at's my guilty pleasure.  once the hustle and bustle of the AM routine is done and everyone is out the door, i like to take 20 minutes and cruise pinterest w/ my coffee cup in hand.  i didn't get far this morning.  i saw one pic, that wasn't a beautifully styled LR, DR, or kitchen, it just said "how to be a fun mom" and i clicked.  literally, my eyes started tearing up after reading the first two felt like it was coming straight from my household.  the article is about letting your guard down and taking time to be a "fun" parent.  my husband is 150% the fun parent. it's no secret in this household.  when he comes home from work, he immediately runs and starts chasing the kids around the room (last night they all had neckties around their head b/c they were playing ninjia or something like that...i was in the kitchen cooking).  i wish i was a fun parent.  i'm by no means trying to whine, but it's hard when you are a mother that works from home...i feel like i am running a race the second my alarm clock goes's all about "getting it done".  i really struggle w/ separating roles...i juggle work and emails in the spare moments of my day between dropping kids off, cleaning the house, laundry, going to the grocery store, nap time, car pool lines, dance, art, etc.  at times, i have found myself jealous that warren gets to be "fun," which is silly of me b/c i could easily do it....reading this post made me aware that it's ok to be silly, to let your guard down, and to take time to make yourself "fun" again.  i needed to read this this AM, it's nice to know that other moms out there struggle in the same ways.  thanks for pinning it dawn :)  xo- Shannon

*images from northern lights, the glow

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Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Rabu, 28 November 2012 0 komentar

sometimes i feel the need to confess....and this is one of those times: i like an xtina song *gasp*
seriously, see if you aren't singing it by the end of the day....just say :)

*images courtesy of martha stewart, kara cox interiors, notes on design, design sponge, martha stewart wedding

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Blog Post Organization

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Selasa, 27 November 2012 0 komentar
Some people sing in the shower and it magically makes them sound "incredible". I swear that is what happens with me and my "incredible" blog ideas... unfortunately they tend to fall a little flat once I'm out of the shower, then quickly fade away.
If I don't keep track of those "great ideas" they may not get started, or finished. 
I had to create a blog organization section in my home management binder to keep me on task, otherwise I might have never gotten this blog started! Perhaps one day when I am more than a newbie blogger I will have "figured it out", in the meantime, this helps a whole lot!

Blog Post Organization Sheets
My blog post organization sheets are very simple in design. I need to know at a glance what ideas I've had, how much work has been done on them, and what is yet to be accomplished. 

Ideas Column: The moment the idea pops into my head I write it down in title form onto a post-it tag and this becomes it's home until I get another chance to revisit the idea. When I'm ready to turn it into a working idea, even if it only consists of a sentence or two, I begin writing the post online. However it stays in the Idea column until there is enough content to count as being "in progress", at which point I will move it to the next column of completion. 

In Progress Column: By the time my post hits the In Progress column, I have somehow managed to form my discombobulated idea into a coherent thought and possibly added a photo or two. Occasionally I add a yellow sticky tag with a list of to-do's necessary to complete that post. These are added underneath the posts I am close to finishing and want to focus on. I write the number amount of to-do items on the end as a quick reference to how many tasks are needed to complete that post.

Completed Column: Once a post is completed it get's moved to this column until I am ready for it to be published, then it is moved to a date for publishing in the Calendar section of my Home Management Binder. Once it is published, that post-it is no longer needed and gets trashed. 

Category Stickers: From the first moment the idea post-it tag is created I stick a color coding label to show which category/page in my blog will become it's home. Does this post belong under An Organized Life, Organize by Room, or Home Decor? I always know at a glance how many posts I am working on in any given category.

Practice Being Goal Oriented 
If I am not goal oriented with my tasks, they just don't get completed. Organizing my blog ideas help me have a clear concept of what needs to be accomplished, and what kind of progress I am making on a regular basis. I highly recommend having something to keep your thoughts organized, whether a heavy blogger or a casual blogger. You will have to figure out what works best for you, but as always I will make my Blog Organizer Sheets available to you. Don't forget to laminate before use!

***Update: I have now including a Year-at-a-Glance cover sheet. 
Use this sheet to list and reference blog posts you have published throughout the year, or use this sheet to plan your advertising, giveaways, and chart important growth plans and patterns. 

Happy blogging wonderful world of newly discovered bloggers!

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Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Senin, 26 November 2012 0 komentar

back to the real world....after a fun-filled couple of days away, i must admit it was hard having to jump back into the routine this AM.  wishing you a happy monday.....

*images courtesy of ajf designcoco cozy, shelterness, house and garden, juliasvistadrommer

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Despicable Me 2 Wallpaper

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Minggu, 25 November 2012 0 komentar

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The Hobbit Wallpapers

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier 0 komentar

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Christmas Lights Wallpaper

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier 0 komentar

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Disney Christmas Wallpapers

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier 0 komentar

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Freezer Organization

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Rabu, 21 November 2012 0 komentar
Enough is enough!
I am sick and tired digging my way through this icy horror I call a freezer. It amazes me that such a small frozen space can be such a nasty sticky disaster. I mean seriously, it is a tundra, how can it be sticky?? As for cleaning the freezer, forget about it, it had to be thawed before I could clean it properly.

Bins Are Always Better
The great thing about using bins is how easy they are to clean, without having to thaw an entire freezer! 
I freeze a lot of vegetables, fruits, and prepared foods, so I need my freezer space to work for me. Thankfully I also inherited an upright freezer I keep in my garage. I admit that makes a huge difference in the way I decided to organize my refrigerator freezer, it allowed me to buy inexpensive (slightly bulky) bins. If you have to maximize your freezer space, I still recommend using bins, however you might consider the slightly more costly compact bins. Try using flush rectangular plastic bins, but select a pliable plastic, you don't want anything that will easily shatter once frozen. 
I purchased these plastic bins at Walmart and Dollar General for $2 or less a piece. With so many household projects in mind to spend on, I was reluctant to put money toward the freezer.

Contain & Label 
My little family has the lazy gene, and we have it bad. That means one or more of us (let's not question might be me) often throw bags of frozen what-not into the freezer with a quick twist, but no tie. No wonder my freezer was so gross, with mystery bits fallen out here and there (ew!). This is the perfect time to start practicing habits of order... that means being diligent and taking the extra few seconds to make sure whatever we put in the freezer is properly contained in freezer safe bags, and labeled. To that end, I keep a sharpie and a roll of regular masking tape by my refrigerator in easy reach. Organizing my frozen foods in bins by type puts an end to all that rummaging I had been doing. Thank goodness! I know exactly what I have in my freezer, no guessing required, no unexpected messes.

Making Bin Labels
Create labels to hang on the front of your bins using wallet sized Scotch self-sealing laminate sheets. Type up the labels in Word, measure to size, print, cut, and follow the laminating sheet instructions... this part is very easy, but just to make it one step easier for you I will attach my Freezer Tags in a Word document that you can download and customize.
After laminating you will need to cut a slit in the tags for the ribbon, a sharp exacto knife does the job. You may also find you need to cut a slit in your plastic container if there is no place to loop the ribbon through. 
Now you have an orderly and attractive freezer!

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