Pom Poms as Bedroom Decor

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Minggu, 30 September 2012 0 komentar
I'm a bit hesitant to let anything pretty hang just above a little girls bed... I can just see it now, one day I'll be walking past just in time to catch all three girls jumping on the bed to see who can reach the "prettiest one", and it will be bye-bye pretty. But 'L' has a vision, and as a savvy chick with great taste (but no kids), she is determined to create a room dreams are made of! So, I will set a series of rules, and deliver a threat to hold a valued toy hostage should harm come to the pretty ceiling pom poms, then hope for the best. My kids don't tend to be disobedient, just thoughtless, no doubt I'll have to repeat this important rule until it "sets". But in my opinion, it is well worth the effort!!

Inspiration & Where to Buy
Well, these pom poms are super cute though aren't they? 'L' took this idea straight from one of her favorite bloggers Holly, from "In The Fun Lane". Holly's room is accented with the most beautiful blues for her little girl. But 'L' knew my middle munchkin would be over-the-moon with pretty-in-pink instead.
The Pom Poms are a "Martha Stewart Celebrates" decoration. 'L' ordered them online from Overstock.com, but say's you can easily find them on Etsy as well. They looked easy enough to assemble, but I guess I should tell you to assemble them with a light hand because all I heard from 'L' while she was putting them together was mutterings of "grr, tore another piece". *lol*  

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Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Jumat, 28 September 2012 0 komentar

yippee!!  it's friday!  as soon as i finish packaging a ton of boxes, i'm off to the mountains for the weekend.  ryan offered to drive us there but i'm not sure his ride is safe for the kiddos :)  have a great weekend!! xo- Shannon

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Controlling Video Game Controllers

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Kamis, 27 September 2012 0 komentar
My hubby is a gamer...was a gamer? Or is it once a gamer always a gamer? Getting married and having children forced him into gamer retirement. Once or twice a year he pulls out the Wii for his three little "mini-me's" to play with him...they bond or whatever. I was really hoping he wouldn't pass on the gamer gene on to our girls...grrrrr, can you tell I'm kinda anti video game? I suppose I shouldn't complain over a few hours per year. Either way, it is pretty important to keep his video games and controllers stored in a way that the munchkins won't ruin them. 

Controller Conundrum: My husband is very very particular about his things, and the worst thing he could witness is seeing his controllers strewn on a table top or in a drawer with all the cords tangled together.  The girls have to learn to put them away properly once they are charged. How to do this had me stumped. For a while I drew outlines on a drawer liner, but every time they opened and closed the drawer everything would shift. So I went on a search for packing foam that could be hollowed out and couldn't find it anywhere! After a few weeks looking online and going from store to store to find the perfect (cheap) medium, I threw my hands up in frustration and went on a rummage through my own house to find an alternative. Turns out that simple 1 inch foam roll leftover from an upholstery project works perfectly! 

Simple steps to make your own:
1. Measure drawer. Leave a little room at the top and   bottom of the drawer to accommodate cords. 

2. With fabric scissors, cut your 1-inch thick foam to size. 

3. Place controllers in the desired position and trace with pen or fine tip marker. There is no need to cut a niche for the cords. 

4. Cut traced area with very sharp exacto knife. It works best if you cut at half depth first, then retrace the cut to complete.

And presto, you have a perfectly tidy, well cared for drawer of controllers! Super easy to cut, it and it took me only 10 minutes.

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Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Rabu, 26 September 2012 0 komentar

don't you love that quote....so true and something that i have to remember when decorating my own home....

*images courtesy of gretchen o, fern living, knitofactso

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Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Senin, 24 September 2012 0 komentar


fall is in the air!!!  yippee!  i ran out and got a new door mat for the occasion....and my husband may or may not have said "what's up w/ the equestrian theme outside"....men!!!

*images courtesy of cape cod collegiatecrush cal de sac, womac interiors, houzz, me

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Product Love: Hanger Hamper

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier 0 komentar
I actually fold laundry in my bedroom, partially because the TV is in there, but mostly because I have not yet learned to tame the beast that is my family's laundry and often need a place to leave it until it can be folded. Thus the need for hangers nearby my bed/folding station.
This is how I stored my hangers before (brace yourself). >>>

That scary scary old broken basket ended up in my room because I needed a place for the kids to toss their unused hangers (thus keeping their closets tidier and eliminating the masses of mangled hangers from evading the corners of their rooms). 

I was absolutely over the moon when I found this Hanger Hamper from The Container Store online! I no longer have to wrestle with each hanger just to get it out of the basket. And I can easily swap the empty hanger hamper for a full one from the kids rooms when folding! FYI there are many different  hanger storage types at The Container Store, this one just happened to suit my needs perfectly.

Eventually I hope to buy one for each room. For the kiddy sized hangers I simply cut a piece of foam to fit the bottom half snugly, and when the kids grow into larger hangers, I'll just take out the foam!
For $7.99 each, I am definitely experiencing some happy product love here! *blissful sigh* 

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Bedroom Fit for a Princess

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Rabu, 19 September 2012 0 komentar
My daughter has a "fairy godmother" who we'll call 'L' (that's "Aunty L" to the girls). Well, she's actually just godmother, but I'm pretty sure she made the special title of "fairy" after granting a pretty princess pink bedroom wish! One day 'L' calls me excitedly and requests to make over her god-daughters bedroom (technically we do the whole"spiritual guardian" thing, but since no one knows what that is I won't split hairs). Well I am not one to let just anybody take decorating control out of my hands, but 'L' has good taste, I know...I follow her on Pinterest. *cheeky grin* So why not just this one solitary time? I thought this would involve her giving me direction on what she wanted me to do to the room, I didn't realize that she would fund the entire process in addition to planning...what a friend!
This week 'L' took three days off, and drove 8 hours to come and do the makeover. It is typically a 5 hour drive, but she took a 3 hour detour to stop at Ikea on her way... she must really like us!

Makeover Day 1
'L' arrived late afternoon and pretty much stepped out of the car working! She sized up the bedroom in all it's messy glory, then marched out to garage to begin work. That determined chick spent the entire evening sanding and putting a coat of primer on every piece of bedroom furniture...right after an 8 hour drive! 

Here is 'L' Sanding and Priming>>

Bedroom Before: The scary sight that greets 'L' upon arrival 

Makeover Day 2
'L' is up...why is 'L' up? It's too eeeeeaaarly, why oh why did we stay up late talking?? So as 'L' makes a second run to Home Depot for the perfect white furniture paint (it's only day 2 and they already know her by name...), I pry my lids open, and rush to start the girls in (home) school.
Day 2 is pretty much us looking like chickens with our heads cut off. We have so much painting to do, we decide to divide and conquer. Her job will be to paint and distress the furniture, mine to clear and paint the bedroom. While she is outside, I "start" my job by sneaking a peek at all the goodies she has brought...well, now I'm motivated to work!
It is only 11:00am and I am starting to feel like I belong in a black and white film with piano bar music, and people running around in double pace! I paint a little, then I'm called away to correct a child's school work, then I dash back up the stairs to paint a little more, then the little one calls me to check her chore so I throw my hands up and run back down the stairs, then back up the stairs again... you get the idea. Oh, and of course I must still cook meals in between all of this madness!
It is finally the end of the day, and I can no longer climb the stairs without my legs shaking. I barely saw L all day, and can tell she is ka-put as well. We're pretty sure that after this she will suffer from carpel tunnel and back problems, and I will have to be fitted for new knees and shoulder sockets. *wry tired grin* 

Makeover Day 3
L has to leave tomorrow, so today has to be the reveal day! We don't know how those people on HGTV do it! Ooooh wait, that's right, they have teams. We knew we'd forgotten to do something... become rich (or at least tv personalities) and hire people to do the hard stuff. Oh well. 
We only have to varnish the furniture, saw to size then put on new hardware, assemble a couple of Ikea pieces, move everything back in, make the bed, put up the pictures, oh wait L has to go out and purchase frames and a couple extra curtains, dye the curtains, make the bed (wait did I already say that?), create a couple other pieces of artwork using pretty paper on canvas and glue, varnish the headboard, assemble the ceiling puffs... and ta da! We'll have a reveal for the girls!
Ok we did not quite get it all accomplished. But we still had our "aaaah" moment. We crashed on the floor and have been admiring our work ever since. 'L' is super proud of her vision, she has been pulling ideas from her favorite blogs for months planning this room! Not to mention her Pinterest board dedicated to "spoiling" her goddaughter! Well, my middle munchkin is one happy little girl who adores her super-princessy, pretty pink bedroom!

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Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Selasa, 18 September 2012 0 komentar

red is a color i don't use a lot....but after seeing these images, it makes me what to add a little in my house.....or my closet :)

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Drawer Disaster Averted

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Senin, 17 September 2012 0 komentar
So I have a little difficulty with keeping up with laundry, it's all good. At least I put the folded clothes "neatly" in my drawers. Ehhhh...or something like that... 

Ok, so maybe my drawers could use a little TLCI swear it didn't start out this way. We used to be so happy together, we worked hard for each other... *sigh* this relationship clearly needs some work. 
I know what I need to do, but as I have been waiting and hoping for the perfect Container Store dividers to magically take a dive in price and appear at my home, I have decided to do what I can with what I have. At the very least I can rearrange the clothes in my ugly drawers to maximize space, and get in the habit of keeping them orderly once again. Rekindle that "lost love" so to speak *wink*.  Plus, this provides the perfect opportunity to purge. I mean really, who needs 19 paint stained T-shirts? Let's bring the romance back baby!

Hooray for Simple Fixes... 
As is not unusual for me, I had an "oh duhh" moment when I saw a friend employ the "upright-in sight" method. Turns out that this simple fix greatly increases the space in my drawers, and incredibly most of the clothing stands upright without incident and stays in place when another piece is pulled! So far I am loving it, although I have discovered that this method does not work for my jean drawer, I just don't own enough jeans to fit snugly enough to keep them from toppling over. I will have to figure out something different for my pants drawer (or does this count as an excuse to buy more clothes? *mischievous grin*  followed by my *"nahh too cheap" shrug*).
Finally, progress! 
The trick is to fold everything so that they are no more than 6-7 inches from top to the bottom. The more uniform you fold, the better it will look, don't be a lazy folder like me. Then place all like items in single rows. Shirts all together in one row, pants all together in another, tanks... you get the idea.

Lingerie Drawer
I was admittedly excited to find these pretty little dividers for my unmentionables drawer at a garage sale a month ago. The question is are they a functional use of space? I suppose I'll find out soon enough. They were not what I originally had in mind, but for just $2 resulting in two organized drawers, who's complaining? Not me! At least I can see everything at a glance. 
Heh heh, I replaced some of my undies with other clothing items for this picture tho', I'm a modest gal... *mock shy smile*. Hey, my undergarments aren't for the public eye!

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Sweden Wallpaper

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Sabtu, 15 September 2012 0 komentar

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Winter Wallpaper

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier 0 komentar

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iPhone 5 Wallpaper

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier 0 komentar

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Apple Black Logo Wallpaper

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier 0 komentar

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Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Jumat, 14 September 2012 0 komentar

bright white....that's what i need right now.  i stayed up too late last night.  i'm not a good sleeper when my husband is away (luckily he's on his way home now).  so i stay up really late listening to all the sounds, triple checking on my sleeping kiddos, watching horrible late night tv, looking at pinterest...i wish i was just the kind of person who got into bed and fell fast asleep.  but hey, at least it's the weekend!!  i hope y'all have a peaceful one :)  see you next week!

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Key Ring Pill Vial

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier 0 komentar
I have such a nice little brother, and not just because he gave me this awesome key chain! Can you say "product love"? (!!) Typically I don't like key chains or anything besides my keys hanging from the ring, but this is functional and has proven very useful in a few emergencies. 

I have no idea where he got it this particular one, but you can find them on Ebay or Amazon. Google "key ring pill cache" or "key ring drug holder". 
The vials are used to store emergency aspirin, or whatever medication you might need in a bind. I already keep emergency aspirin and ibuprofen in my purse, so I decided to keep activated charcoal (in powder form), and cayenne in my vials. You're wondering why in the world I keep those two items? Here is another Google task for you: "uses for activated charcoal", this stuff is amazing! The activated charcoal is a must for people with young children.  I kept it just in case of accidental poisoning when my kids were toddlers. You know that moment when something suspicious is discovered on the corner of your munchkins mouth, but she seems fine and a little too happy? Yeah, I would sprinkle a little charcoal in their juice or milk and keep a close eye on them, just in case!   My family tends to use it whenever anyone has an upset stomach, gas, or diarrhea. Charcoal absorbs toxins, odors, and has many uses...be aware that it will also prevent any medication you might take from being absorbed while it is in the system. The cayenne I keep in case of cold or allergy induced mucous, sometimes I get this "tickle" in my throat that won't go away which leads to a lot of embarrassing  hacking, and drinking a little of this helps a whole lot! I also find it has other benefits when recovering from a cold or sore throat.
Whatever you decide to store in your vial, it is good to be prepared for any emergency! Better safe than sorry right?

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