Posted by sew4tejhtr6ierKamis, 27 Mei 20100
i love cooking in the kitchen w/ my puts a smile on my face. there is something so fun about trying out a new recipe, listening to music on the ipod, and then sitting on the screen porch to eat it....and lately we have had some great meals! another thing that i am loving are the flowers that are growing outside. i love having flowers from the yard scattered in random bottles throughout the house. it's like instant happiness. and last but not least, i totally want to make one of those herb easy and such a great idea (putting that on my to-do-list). it pains me to buy herbs at the grocery store when you just need a tiny bit for a recipe. and this is a simple, yet stylish solution. now if i can just remember to water them :)
Posted by sew4tejhtr6ierRabu, 26 Mei 20100
i just got back from the doctor and i felt like in a round about way, this is what he was trying to tell me. i've dilated (almost 2 cm) in the last week (basically since i have returned to normal activity). so a baby might be in our near future....he suggested that i make it to Monday, i told him i will probably make it to 40 wks. who knows...but i feel like maybe i should pack a bag and put my feet up and watch a movie.
Posted by sew4tejhtr6ierSelasa, 25 Mei 20100
yesterday, my little girl turned 3! it's hard to believe how quickly she has grown up...part of me wants her to stay young forever and part of me gets so excited watching the little personality she is turning into. we celebrated with a pool party. it was her first b'day party w/ friends and she loved it (and it only rained half on the time). on her real b'day, i decided that i would make a second attempt at baking a giant cupcake for her class (for anyone who has followed this blog, my 1st attempt was a disaster). luckily, this time it actually worked...there happens to be a lot of web information on this cupcake and all the trouble it can beware if you are a beginner like myself- it's not as easy as it looks! luckily, it actually tasted okay too. here are some pictures from the weekend and yesterday....
on a different note, i have to say that taylor's b'day was met w/ a mixture of of my best friends was in a horrible car accident w/ her children hours after leaving the party when her car hydroplaned. luckily, we are so blessed that the children were left untouched and she will be able to make a full, but slow recovery. when things like this happen, it makes you want to go around and tell everyone how much they mean to you. i love you B!
Posted by sew4tejhtr6ierSelasa, 18 Mei 20100
i'm running out the door (see i can't stay put)....lots to do today but here are some pretty images to keep you company....those stripes have me swooning....
Posted by sew4tejhtr6ierKamis, 13 Mei 20100
after 80 days of bed rest, 20+ shots, and 34 wks of being pregnant , i was told by my doctor that it was "ok" to start moving around and to drive a car!! my interpretation of the diagnosis: off of bed rest (my husband's interpretation- not exactly the same, but he's conservative). so watch out if you are on the road....this girl is out of here!! first stop- going to all of my favorite junk shops and finding a bathing suit for this big belly!
Posted by sew4tejhtr6ierSelasa, 11 Mei 20100
my children's rooms both lack things on the wall. i mean literally, it's sad. we basically moved here and then i went on bed rest so they are bare. they definitely need some personality and these pictures are ones that inspire me....
Posted by sew4tejhtr6ierJumat, 07 Mei 20100
every time i see this picture of gisele, i think "that is such a cute picture"...then my thoughts change. i think, seriously, how can she sit in that drawer and the chest not topple over on her? maybe i am jealous b/c i am 33 wks pregnant, and she can actually see her toenails to paint them...or maybe i am slightly bitter b/c i am finding it difficult to open the refrigerator door and not have it hit my belly when i am standing in front of it. who knows, maybe i should just go back to thought #1: that is such a cute picture...and i'm happy that gisele looks amazing in that bra and panty set, sitting in a drawer painting her toenails....