happy halloween!

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Jumat, 29 Oktober 2010 0 komentar
wow, is it halloween already??!  my poor pumpkins haven't had a thing done to them...i had hopes of making them look like these charlie brown ones.  taylor decided they needed stickers, i decided one needed a mask...tonight, i am getting out the black paint...i mean it's time, they look pitiful!

i did put out some decorations...well, i bought a mum and i found the box w/ our halloween stuff....

before i decorate, i have to take advantage of my dad being here.....finally i'm doing something to poor taylor's room and making this headboard.  it's taken long enough!

halloween weekend is always a lot of fun....both sets of grandparents come to see the kids trick or treat...we eat a lot, have a beverage or two, and play games (have you played apples to apples- fun stuff...especially if you have a beverage or two)...this is what's we are having tomorrow night: oysters and ina's coconut cake but we are making them into cupcakes.

sunday night we are trick or treating....taylor's going as a garden fairy...we practiced yesterday by trick or treating downtown.

walker didn't practice but he is going as a skeleton that glows in the dark like the bad boys on karate kid....classy i know :)

and that pretty much sums up how we are going to spend our halloween....i hope y'all have a fabulous weekend and that you get lots of yummy candy (i like to "share" taylor's reese cups and anything that is sour and gummy)!!  see you next week!

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Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Kamis, 28 Oktober 2010 0 komentar

i am having a hard time focusing today....maybe b/c my baby is 4 months old and still doesn't sleep through the night or b/c taylor hopped in the bed w/ us at 4:00 this morning and thought it was time to get up or b/c my parents are in town and i would rather go and hangout w/ them :)
so i thought maybe some pretty pictures would work for a post or if you want a little more, go check out south of market's blog, they did a little Q & A w/ me (you should totally check out it out regardless....it rocks....as does their store if you haven't been to one!!)

*images courtesy of chloe warner, haute design, olivia and a, tartanscot

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10 Cool Themes for Windows 7

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier 0 komentar

Here we have 10 cool Windows 7 themes for you. we collect from best sources just to renovate your Windows 7 machine. We will bring more attractive, cool and stylish Windows 7 themes. Please stay in touch with socials to get more themes and wallpapers.

Modern Warfare, Windows 7 Themes
Make impression like war in your Windows look from this Windows 7 Theme, Modern Warfare. This theme is available in different cool and attractive color which make your windows 7 a aggressive look
If you want to download this themes Please Click here..

Macos X for Windows 7
This is not just themes, when you added code in system file it behave like MAC OS X. This is copy righted theme, Make your Windows & environment like Macos X
If you want to download this theme, Please Click here...

Pastelia for Windows 7
Girls favourite color, pink, this theme is designed for those looking a clean desktop. Windows 7 themes change this environment like Macos X. Pink always attracts girls but if man are also like, no problem download and make your windows 7 a pinky style.
If you want to download this theme please Click here...

Ultimate for Windows 7
This theme uses a stylish user interface with dark and black windows buttons to give your windows 7 a pleasant and cool look. This theme is at beta stage but no one find bugs still.
If you want to download please Click here...

Alternative for Windows 7
This unique and stylish theme designed for those, who likes to be cool.
if you want to download please Click here...

Skoda Octavia RS, Windows 7 Theme
This theme have Skoda Octavia RS Cars range, Model 2010, Fastest cars on earth
If you want to download please Click here...

YADS Window7 Aero, WIndow 7 Theme
This is Aero version theme for Window 7, YADS is compatible with both 32 & 64 bit windows systems. This theme gives airy look to your machine.
if you want to download please Click here...

Mezzanine, Window 7 Theme
by ~Asada2006, This black look theme give elegant look to your Windows 7 machine
if you want to download please Click here...

Vistart Aero, Windows 7 Theme
by ~blahstik, This is the collection of Aero themes, availabe in different colors and styles
if you want to download please Click here...

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iPhone 4 Wallpapers: 30 Wallpapers for iPhone 4

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Selasa, 26 Oktober 2010 0 komentar

Let's give your iPhone 4 stylish and cool look with iPhone 4 Wallpaper collection. Checkout the cool 30 wallpapers for iPhone 4. To save iPhone 4 wallpaper please click on the selected wallpaper.

All wallpapers are in standard iPhone 4 resolution: 640x960.

Wwe will bring more beautiful iPhone 4 Wallpaper... Please stay in touch via social connects. Meatime, also checkout:

Wall of thinking, iPhone 4 Wallpaper
Resolution: 640x960
Click on image to download

Apple Dreams, iPhone4 Wallpaper
Resolution: 640x960

Back the Mac, iPhone4 Wallpaper
Resolution: 640x960
Click on image to download

I Love Think, iPhone4 Wallpaper
Resolution: 640x960

Yeah, iPhone4 Wallpaper
Resolution: 640x960

Jack, iPhone4 Wallpaper
Resolution: 640x960

Boost, iPhone4 Wallpaper
Resolution: 640x960

Red, iPhone4 Wallpaper
Resolution: 640x960

iPhone4 Wallpaper
Resolution: 640x960

Aire Leather, iPhone4 Wallpaper
Resolution: 640x960

Leather Bookmark, iPhone4 Wallpaper
Resolution: 640x960

My Little World, iPhone4 Wallpaper
Resolution: 640x960
Click on image to download

Highway, iPhone4 Wallpaper
Resolution: 640x960

Space, iPhone4 Wallpaper
Resolution: 640x960

Space, iPhone4 Wallpaper
Resolution: 640x960

Typ Man, iPhone4 Wallpaper
Resolution: 640x960

Hip Hop, iPhone4 Wallpaper
Resolution: 640x960

Lotus Racing, iPhone4 Wallpaper
Resolution: 640x960

Starcraft, iPhone 4 Wallpaper
Resolution: 640x960

Hairy Locks, iPhone4 Wallpaper
Resolution: 640x960

Spider Man in Black, iPhone4

Resolution: 640x960

Wings, iPhone4 Wallpaper
Resolution: 640x960

Grassy, iPhone4 Wallpaper
Resolution: 640x960

Grassy Black, iPhone4 Wallpaper
Resolution: 640x960

Wooden Shelf, iPhone4 Wallpaper
Resolution: 640x960

Art, iPhone4 Wallpaper
Resolution: 640x960

Art Style, iPhone4 Wallpaper
Resolution: 640x960

Paper Apple, iPhone4 Wallpaper
Resolution: 640x960

Cartoon, iPhone4 Wallpaper
Resolution: 640x960

Cartoon Rider, iPhone4 Wallpaper
Resolution: 640x960

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